Mission Statement
Malta Tama Tnabar Association empowers people with various difficulties to succeed in society. We integrate drums and percussion instruments as creative learning tools that address life skills and enhance the mind, body and spirit towards a holistic life.
Description of Service
The milestone of the Malta Tama Tnabar Association is to enhance integration and inclusion in the community. Our service uses different and creative learning strategies to educate and train individuals. We believe that when people are exposed they discover their hidden potential. This service has developed specialized disciplines and techniques which help us to bring together, invigorate and genuinely welcome people.
Why Percussions?
Percussions are ancient tools of communication and community building. In Africa and in many other cultures around the world, before any major tribal decision is made, the community gathers together at the centre of the village to make music. This blissful making of music breaks down barriers and creates a sense of unity, thus enabling communities to become more effective and assertive
Our Activites
Our activities, which are based on experiential learning, empower people with various difficulties to integrate and succeed in society. The beat of a drum is an ancient and tribal human instinct. Employing three types of drums which are Snare, Bass and Tenor participants may take part in drums playing, movement and listening activities. In addition, the group may form an ensemble to play various pieces of music, take part in playing rhythm and experience improvisational music. While this is happening, they start to see others as capable and worthwhile people. Not only does this reduce social inhibition, it increases interaction and develops both empathy for others and increased self-esteem. Participants have invariably found this experience to be challenging, but fun and inspiring. As they learn to play together they develop team-spirit and experience.
Mario God Bless you
Christmas Street Celebration Frangiskani Hamrun
MCAST Christmas Celebration 2023
Parroċċa Birżebbuġa August 2023
Hamrun Carnival
Volunteering during the Franciscans Carnival Event by MTTA and CSR students.
AboutHamrun Carnival
The Hamrun Carnival is an important part of Maltese culture and attracts thousands of visitors each year. It is a celebration of community and tradition, and a reminder of the country's rich cultural heritage.
Rhearsals 2022 MCAST Students
Rehearsals With MCAST students for Christmas 2022 Performances
Parroċċa Birżebbuġa St Rita
The second time sustaining Marathoners in their race April 2019
MCAST launch Collaboration for Social Responsibilities (CSR) project. On Wednesday 13th February MCAST officially opened CSR project, Malta Tama Tnabar Association (MTTA) together with other NGOs proudly joined this project by signing a protocol of collaboration. MTTA would like to thank you MCAST for the opportunity and support offered during the last years. We hope that in the coming future by means of this collaboration MTTA and MCAST can help to improve active citizenship among youth for a better future.
Our Adventure representing Malta at Acireale April 2016 performing during the festival of Festa Dei Fiori. Video by Sarah Salafia, Thank you, Sarah.
Malta Tama Tnabar Association 2017 performances.
Malta Tama Tnabar Association 2017 performances.
Malta Tama Tnabar Association Performing at Naxxar Christmas Village 2017.
It was a wonderful enjoyable evening making some noise together with Strumming.
Malta Tama Tnabar Association at M'Scala Skola Sjaf 2017, during one of our sessions implementing values of social integration and fostering creative making use of our instruments to enhance the mind, body and spirit towards a holistic life.