
Caritas Prison Inmates Programme.

"Ritmu Ta' Tama Kontra Id-droga"

Malta Tama  Tabar Association (MTTA) and Caritas Prison Inmates Programme (PIP) teamed up to plan a percussion performance with the aim to instill hope and empowerment. The performance will be presented on stage during Caritas graduation day, planned to be held on the 26th June 2019 at San Blas.  

It took us over a month to reach our objectives and we are still rehearsing to give our best during this event. Throughout our rehearsals and preparations, we learned a lot from each other, exchanging skills and ideas to reach our targets as a team.  Apart from that through these workshops we've learned to respect and accept each others' boundaries and how to be flexible to change.

The main challenge was to integrate a variety of percussion instruments and adopt a flow of rhythm expressed with different styles of instruments and beats.

This project makes us reflect that success comes through a relationship without any form of prejudice and together focusing on a common goal to be accomplished.

Wednesday 26th of June, MTTA members together with PIP clients proudly performed "Ritmu Ta' Tama Kontra Id-Droga" for the opening of Caritas graduation ceremony. The goal was successfully and holistically accomplished.

The rationale behind integrating PIP therapeutic rhythm with that of one of MTTA's repertoire derived from the impetus related to the experience of living in a judgmental society that is creating a lot of pressure, forcing us to behave and act in a controlled manner. Consequently, hinders an individual from improving his character due to constant negative reinforcement. People who should be free of pressure and express their knowledge and skills under no judgmental evaluation but constructive criticism, giving the opportunity to the individual to improve themselves through knowledge and education.

We should not be robots but human beings, without fearing to show and express our emotions. One of our goals during the performance was to communicate emotions and this was successfully accomplished.

Thank you for your friendship and trust
Malta Tama Tnabar.

Kelmtejn ta rigrazjament mis Sur Anthony Gatta Direttur tal Caritas

"Grazzi mil-Qalb lil Tama Tnabar għal-proġett Ritmu ta' Tama Kontra d-Droga - lil ġab lil membri ta' Tama Tnabar mar-Residenti tal-Prison Inmates Programme biex itellgħu performance f'Jum il-Gradwazzjoni - 26 ta' Ġunju 2019. Grazzi lil Silvio u Monalisa Nocilla u s-surmast Theo Micallef." 


Soċjetà Filarmonika Pinto Banda San Sebastjan.

Another musical integration project with a traditional local Band. Malta Tama Tnabar Association is in collaboration with Banda San Bastian Qormi to integrate Maltese local traditional instruments with Malta Tama Tnabar traditional instruments. The project does not only represent an instrumental integration but also a form of non-formal education among children to enhance their communicational skills demonstrating that through collaboration, communication and creativity everything is possible.  

Proġett ieħor ta ’integrazzjoni mużikali ma Banda lokali 
tradizzjonali. L'Assoċjazzjoni Malta Tama Tnabar 
f'kollaborazzjoni ma 'Banda San Bastian Qormi qeda 
tintegra l-istrumenti tradizzjonali tal Banda 
ma' l-istrumenti tradizzjonali ta 'Malta Tama Tnabar. 
Il-proġett mhux biss jirrappreżenta integrazzjoni 
muzikali iżda wkoll forma ta 'edukazzjoni mhux 
formali biex fost it-tfal itejjeb il-ħiliet ta 
komunikazzjoni bejniethom u li permezz 
u l-kreattività kollox nuru li kollox 
huwa possibbli.

Day 1 - L-ewwel ġurnata